
Hi David- Thanks for the reply. Sure thing. I’m curious how a web3-HR startup will be using NFTs — for simple branding / exposure, or some new utility in the HR space? (Or both?) (Or neither?) I took a look at some of your articles & wasn’t exactly sure how you’ll be leveraging web3 in the space, though I can broadly imagine some possibilities there (e.g., having some sort of blockchain based experience record that’s verified and standardized somehow — a chain of NFTs of career milestones & references, perhaps). God, but with us workers of a certain age, I almost wonder how you’ll get around the rampant age discrimination side of things. “Good GOD, look at that candidate’s experience blockchain!!! Only an OLD person would have that much experience!” (Which is basically how the web1.0and web2.0 HR worlds always worked, I guess.) Just one of a zillion examples there, lol… I share many of your stated opinions on HR in general — esp. from the systems side, which I always found to be a nightmare for candidates. As a web dev for the previous 10 years (prior to working FT in NFTs), I’d written on HR systems numerous times. Anyway, sure, drop me a line — jim@generativenfts.io — and LMK about your project. :-)



Jim Dee — From Blockchain to Bookshelves.
Jim Dee — From Blockchain to Bookshelves.

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