Hi DonJon- Yes, I recall these. It's funny because this article and my next will be exploring many frustrations I'm having with marketing NFTs. While I certainly have many opinions on the subject, I'm definitely not an influencer myself and therefore have little ... well ... influence, which makes me limited to only observations and advisory type roles. Still, while I do feel like I know what needs to be done, and what might or might not work, without being an influencer myself it's extraordinarily difficult for me to ever fully execute a plan. I'm working on that for myself, of course, but I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that for a client at this point. But, I'll at least share my opinions here and any successes I manage to achieve so that others can emulate or build off of.



Jim Dee — From Blockchain to Bookshelves.
Jim Dee — From Blockchain to Bookshelves.

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