
Many thanks for that lengthy response. I like the sheer amount of information on this post now, and am happy to get any serious responses like that one. I did say near the top of the article (in the 2nd paragraph) that, for me, I wanted at least 61 keys. So, I’m not going to update this with a review of 49-key models, as there would be about 50 more to cover. Though, I’m always happy to hear of especially great models out there in the comments.

I’ll have to wait a bit to respond further, as I’m about to update this article again with an update on the folding “Ponmunus” keyboard I ordered. I’m afraid this one might be a complete SCAM, unfortunately. When my order came, it was a completely different roll-up model. I thought at first it was just a mistake, but found the seller unresponsive. So, I escalated the issue with Paypal, and am not in the middle of a little headache there trying to get a return or a refund. The seller is being very difficult and awful in all ways.

Meanwhile, another reader emailed me with a message that he also got SCAMMED by the “Ponmunus” piano ad. He sent me a pic of what he got:

What another reader got when ordering the fold-up one. My package contained one of those roll-up models — different than this, but the same kind of packaging, and of course also 100% NOT a folding piano keyboard. I’ll be updating the article

Anyway, when the dust settles on this, I’ll try to update the article yet again and clear a few things up here and there. Thanks!



Jim Dee — From Blockchain to Bookshelves.
Jim Dee — From Blockchain to Bookshelves.

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