So, you're against creator royalties. Well, okay. That's your opinion. I'm strongly in favor of them, personally. That said:
* I don't view the notion of helping artists as a "flawed paradigm," nor reflective of some bygone era of thought.
* I'm not suggesting that NFTs shouldn't or won't have *many* other uses aside from helping artists. Indeed the uses will be beyond what most people can imagine currently. But HERE, I'm discussing helping artists. It's not an either/or choice. Artists will continue to utilize NFTs AND the rest of the world will innovate as well.
* Yes, people talked about popping up marketing materials in the 1990s. Guess what... that still happens today. So just because there are additional uses for a tech down the road doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss or abandon current conerns.
That all said, keep in mind that my own perspective is from the generative NFT area, where projects worldwide are producing thousands of tokens at a time to fund various initiatives. So, my scope here is quite focused on that. And in this area, ongoing creator royalties are definitely important.